Little Legends School

Policies & Procedures

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Little legends School serves up to ten (10) children ages from 6 months through 12 years. No child will be denied admission on the basis of his/her race or religion. All information provided will be kept confidential and is for school records only.

The safety, security and emotional well being of all the children in my school is our ultimate directive. No person will be allowed access to a child other than one of their legal responsibility until and unless the school is completely comfortably. Our environment is one of community and collaboration.

What a parent should expect

(1) Open communication: The school will give you frequent and full updates on your child‘s progress and problems. We will welcome your questions and ask you questions about how we can help your child.

(2) Open Access to the School facility: Parents are welcome to drop in any time .Parents are allowed to make a reasonable number of phone calls to check on their children’s well being ,in case of illness or if there is a special concern such as separation anxiety.

(3) Safety for your child: The School will take all possible precautions to keep children safe.

(4) No interference in the child’s family or family problems: The School should not talk to children about their family problems, lifestyle, or values. Likewise, the school should be careful not to take sides in any family disputes, such as custody battles.

(5) Assurance that everyone in contact with your child is trustworthy and supervised: The school must be responsible for everyone who enters and visits the school.

(6) Honesty and confidence: The School should not make commitments that they can not or do not intend to keep. The school should not cover up problems or accidents that occur.

(7) Advance notice of any changes: The School should tell parents well in advance of any changes to enable them make necessary alternative arrangements if need be. (Holidays and school breaks) Parents should be given at least two weeks admission on the basis of his/her race or religion. All information provided will be kept confidential and is for school records only.

What the school expects

(1) Open communication: Explain clearly and carefully your wishes and expectations about how your child should be cared for. Also provide updates on problems and progress that your child is making. Give the school information about your child’s routine, activities and preferences. Good communication helps parents and the school work together in the best interest of the children.

(2) Agreements on terms or arrangements: You should fully understand the expectations of the School and what you as a parent are agreeing to.

(3) Honesty and trust: This includes being honest about the curriculum/program being offered by the school ,whether you and your child is happy. Although you need to be vigilant in order to safeguard your child, you should still trust the School to do the best for the child.

(4) Respect: Realize that taking care of children/teaching children is a job ,and therefore they are workers just as you are. She/he is an important person in your child’s life and in yours' too.

(5) Advance notice of and agreement to any changes: The school has a strict policy on the number of children per class so we deserve an advance notice, if in case, you are going to stop using our services to enable us make a spot available to another child.

(6) Pick up on time and follow through on all agreements: The school Staff have personal lives too and they should expect that you will pick up your child at the agreed upon time. We do not encourage parents to pick up late as the children and teachers are tired after a long day. However, parents will have to pay a fine for picking up late.

(7) Sick children: Parents will have to abide by the school’s policy on when you can and cannot bring a sick child to school.

(8) Payment on time: The school needs to pay salaries and other overhead costs so kindly ensure prompt payment of fees.